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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School


Phonics and Early Reading

At St Joseph's, we use the Little Wandle Phonics programme of work for the teaching of phonics. We use a range of resources through small group and whole class teaching to ensure that all of the phonic sounds are taught in a systematic and engaging approach.

The Power of Reading

Throughout the school, from Reception to Year 6, we use The Power of Reading by the CLPE (Centre of Literacy in Primary Education).  The CLPE is an independent UK charity with a global reputation for the quality of their research into literacy and teaching. Their work promotes high standards in the teaching of literacy where they particularly emphasise the importance of books and literature in enabling children to become confident, happy and enthusiastic readers and writers.

The Power of Reading enables all children to have access to high quality texts that support schools to raise engagement and attainment in reading and writing. 

The teaching sequences, guide planning and help teachers to select the best teaching approaches to explore high quality texts in depth, enhancing reading comprehension and providing meaningful contexts and purposes for writing. The sequences include cross-curricular links so that we can put quality literature at the heart of our curriculum.  They also show how we can embed the teaching of phonics, grammar, punctuation and spelling into a rich reading curriculum.





Literacy Leaves and The Literary Curriculum

The teaching of Reading in Years 2 to 6, uses Literacy Leaves from The Literary Curriculum. The Literary Leaves are a suite of book-based comprehension resources for Y2-Y6 designed to support teachers with the teaching of reading, using whole books, rather than extracts. They are created for use in a whole-class reading session or a guided reading session when the skills of reading comprehension are being taught.