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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Physical Education

PE is an important aspect of our school curriculum. 

Our PE coach is at St. Joseph's five days a week and teaches all classes a range of different sports and skills in line with The National Curriculum. Key Stage Two visit Wavelengths Swimming Pool for their swimming lesson. We encourage all parents to take their children at the weekend and holidays in order to continue to develop their children's confidence in the water.

Year 4 also take part in a two day sailing course at the AHOY centre each year. This enables all children to experience a new sport that they can become involved in at the weekend. 

Play Leaders have been developed across Key Stage Two to facilitate sports activities in both playtimes and lunch time. 

All teachers and support staff took part in a dance inset day last year. The training included a range of different dance genres and our children are now benefiting from this experience.