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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Admission Policies

The admissions arrangements for St Joseph's Catholic Primary School can be found below.

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School follows the admissions arrangements set out by Lewisham Council and applies our own criteria for oversubscription, which can be found in our admissions policy. Should you have any queries or require any information, please do feel free to contact us. 

Lewisham's admission arrangements: https://lewisham.gov.uk/myservices/education/schools/school-admission/applying-to-start-primary-school

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School serves the parish of Our Lady of the Assumption. You do not have to live within the parish in order to be considered for a place at St Joseph's. You do not have to be practicing Catholic to apply. All faiths are considered in our admissions criteria. 

Governors will only apply the oversubscription criteria for admissions if applicants exceed the number of places available. 

The parish map shows the parish boundaries. Please note that where a road is on the boundary, it is the side of the road within the boundary which is within the parish.

Parish Map

Would you like to visit St Joseph's? We are happy to arrange visits or arrange virtual meetings if you would prefer. 

Please contact Mrs Blyde on headteacher@stjps.lewisham.sch.uk