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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Breakfast and After School Clubs

Free Breakfast Club from 7:30am and After School Care till 6:00PM

Our Breakfast Club is run by our fantastic staff and the food is provided by our great Catering company Nourish.

St Joseph's Breakfast Club is free and runs from 7:30am - making it ideal if you are dropping off your children before going to work.

Breakfast is served until 8:25am and the children then use the hall and the playgrounds to play on the trimtrail and play table tennis before joining their classes for the start of the day.

Breakfast Club places must be booked in advance to enable us to plan and accommodate the correct ratios of staff.

If you would like your child to attend Breakfast Club, please complete the forms below and email them back to admin@stjps.lewisham.sch.uk 

We will then confirm via email or telephone that your child has a place. Places must be booked in advance. Thank you.

Afterschool Club

Our After School Club is run by our staff continuing the ethos and values from the school day into the wrap-around care we provide.   The club runs straight from school from 3:15 pm to 6:00 pm. The after-school club provides homework, reading support, and a healthy meal alongside fun and sports to help the children unwind from a busy day of learning.   This is a flexible service and we try to accommodate all our parent's childcare needs. This club paid in advance on parent pay.  


Homework/Reading/ Bug club 



 Homework/ Reading/ Bug Club 

Dodge Ball 


Homework/ Reading/ Bug Club

Tennis or Hockey 


Homework Support 



Homework Support 

Disco and Film Night