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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

School Uniform

All children are expected to wear the school uniform.

The uniform consists of a choice of fleece, school sweatshirt, school polo shirt and light blue school tee-shirt. These should be worn together with dark grey trousers or grey skirt.

In the summer, dark grey shorts and grey or navy socks should be worn. For girls, the light blue and white school style summer dress may be worn with white socks. 

The Headteacher has the discretion to ban any items of clothing deemed to be inappropriate.

The only jewellery permitted in school are watches and stud earrings and these must be removed when taking part in P.E.  Children must be responsible for looking after their own items and must be able to remove earrings themselves.

It is essential to have a change of clothing for PE. This consists of, plain navy shorts, a navy T-shirt (with the school logo) and plimsolls or trainers. Children are all expected to have a plain navy tracksuit, consisting of jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt (without a hood) for the colder weather.

Replacing clothing can be very expensive for parents and we ask that all belongings are clearly named and children are able to identify their own clothing. Using a name label means that if an item ends up in the lost property it is very easy to return to its owners.

If you have any questions regarding the uniform, please speak to a member of our admin team.